单词 | animals |
释义 | 文馨英漢☞animalanimals十Words4. 十二 [shi2e4] ([she4]), adj., twelve: 十二分抱歉,滿意 hundred percent (“120%”) sorry, satisfied; 十二宮 the twelve constellations of the zodiac; 十二指腸 [shi2e4zhi3chang2], n., the duodenum; adj., 十二時 the twelve two-hour periods, 子,丑,寅,卯 (see Appendix A); 十二小時 twelve hours; adj.,十二屬 [shi2e4shu3], 十二肖 [shi2e4xiao4], the twelve animals corresponding to twelve-year cycle (see Appendix A).生Words36. 生口 [sheng1kou3], n., (1) domestic animals (usu. wr. 牲口); (2) (AC) war prisoners.62. 生生 [sheng1sheng1], adv., (1) generation after generation: 生生世世 ditto; (2) well and healthy: 生生憂慮出病來 get sick from sheer worry (for a healthy person); 好生生的怎麼就死了 how could he die so suddenly-he was looking so well? 生生不息 life and growth in nature, continuous reproduction (of plants and animals).真Words21. 真性 [zhen1xing4], n., the real nature, natural character of man and animals.捕V.t.捕食 (of birds and animals) prey for food;捕生 hunt animals as a living;撅V.t.(1) Raise: 撅尾巴 (of birds or animals) stick up the tail.欄N.(1) An enclosure for domestic animals: 牛欄 stockade;檻N.(1) A railing, bars, an enclosure: 獸檻 a cage for animals;N.A yoke for harnessing animals.柄Words2. 柄眼類 [bing4yan3lei4], n., (biol.) animals with eyes resting on projecting stems, such as snails.物N.動物 animals;牝N.(1) Female of species contrasted with 牡 [mu3] 10C.11 (applied not to men, only to animals;Words1. 牝期 [pin4qi2], n., (of animals) in heat.走Words31. 走獸 [zou3shou4], n., animals, beasts (opp. 飛禽 birds).趕V.i. & t.趕進籠子里 (of domestic animals) herd into the pens;豢N.Domesticated animals.V.t.To feed (animals): 豢養.蕃Words4. 蕃息 [fan2xi2], v.i., multiply quickly (plants, animals).崽N.The young of animals: 下崽子 (of animals) to litter;胔N.(AC) (1) Dried bones of birds or animals.雌N.A female, opp. 雄 male (of animals, as cow, lion, fowl, eagle);悲Adj. & adv.Sad, sadly: 悲鳴 sad cry of animals;懂V.i. & t.懂人意 (dog, animals) understand master's wishes.頭Words19. 頭口 [tou2kou3], n., gen. term for domestic animals (cattle, mules, etc.=牲口).王Words34. 王子 [wang2zi3], n., (1) a prince; (2) ([wang2zi0]) (fig.) king of animals: 蜜蜂王子 queen bee.五Words10. 五毒 [wu3du2], n., the five poisonous animals in Chin. med.: the snake, the lizard, the scorpion, the toad and the centipede, used to “fight poison with poison.”百Adj.百獸,百谷,百花,百艸 all kinds of animals, grains, flowers, plants;兩Words1. 兩棲類 [liang3qi1lei4], n., (zoo.) amphibious animals.珍Adj.珍禽異獸 rare birds and animals;剽Adj.(AC, of animals) fast, agile.殖V.t.(3) 生殖,蕃殖 (of plants and animals) to grow and multiply;子N.(2) eggs of animals: 魚子 the roe of fish;及V.t.今恩足以及禽獸 (AC) now that even birds and animals can bask in your favor;降V.i. & t.降龍伏虎 (Buddhism and Taoism) ability to subdue wild animals, (Taoism) ability to control one's passions, physical prowess;陸N.by land: 陸棲 (of animals) live on land;阱N.陷阱 A trap, a snare for catching wild animals, a pitfall.口N.牲口 domestic animals, cattle, etc.嚼V.i. & t.(4) (*[jiao4]) V.i., 反嚼 (of certain animals) chew the cud.叫V.i. & t.(1) V.i., (of persons, animals, birds) to cry: 叫喚,叫喊,呼叫 to shout, yell, cry;唚V.i. & t.(Of animals like dogs) to vomit, (fig.) (derog.) to spit out nonsense, hogwash;蹶Words2. 蹶子 *[jUe3zi0], n., the hind legs of animals: 尥蹶子 kick with hind legs.獸N.Beast: oft. coupled with 禽 birds: 禽 獸 81.42, the animals;囿N.an enclosure for animals (deer, etc.): 鹿囿.圈V.t.(3) (*[jUan1]) To shut up: 圈住,圈起來 to shut up (person, animals, etc.).貝Words5. 貝殼 [bei4ke2], n., shell of shell animals, like mother-of-pearl (蚌殼).胸Words12. 胸甲類 [xiong1jia3lei4], n., (zoo.) Thoracostraca, certain crustacean animals (like crabs, shrimp) with chest formations of various shapes.膜N.(1) Membrane in plants or animals, such as diaphragm, peritoneum, mucous membrance.肢N.The legs of animals, wings and feet of birds, arms and legs of man: 四肢 arms and legs;騸V.t.To geld (animals) castrate (chicken): 騸馬 a gelding;Words7. 體 [qUn2ti3], n., the community (of insects, animals).屠V.t.To butcher (animals, population): 屠城 to kill all residents of a conquered town.Words7. 屠宰 [tu2zai3], v.t., to butcher (animals) for food.屬N.(3) Cycle of twelve years named after animals: 屬相 [shu3xiang4]↓;Words14. 屬相 [shu3xiang4]([shu3xiang0]), n., 十二屬相 (also called 生相) the twelve animals assigned to the duodecimal cycle of years, see Appendix A.產V.t.生產 give birth to children, (of animals) reproduce their kind.畜Words1. 畜類 [chu4lei4], n., the domesticated animals.高Words13. 高等 [gao1deng3], adj., (1) of a higher class: 高等中學 senior middle school; 高等動物 the more highly developed animals; (2) of a higher grade: 高等法院 high court (of justice); 高等考試 higher government examination (opp. 普通考試 general government examination).毫Words4. 毫毛 [hao2mao2], n., hair of birds or animals.六Words4. 六畜 [liu4chu4], n., the six domestic animals: horse, cow, sheep, chicken, dog and pig.交Words53. 交尾 [jiao1wei3], v.i. & n., (of animals and insects) copulate, -tion.雜Words21. 雜碎 [za2sui0], (1) adj., minor, petty, trivial; (2) n., entrails of animals used as food; (3) n., chop suey: 他沒安著好難碎 (sl.) he has got a bad "noodle."龍Words6. 龍骨 [long2gu3], n., (1) teeth and bones of anc. animals used as medicine; (2) main beam, prow to stern, of boat; (3) 龍骨車 system of water wheels for hauling up water.族N.(3) A class of animals: 水族 aquatic animals.瘡N.禿瘡 scabby, scabies, (esp. domestic animals) mange.麟Words2. 麟鳳 [lin2feng4], n., the unicorn and the phoenix, auspicious animals, rarely seen; see [lin2jiao3]↓.寄Words15. 寄生 [ji4sheng1], v. i., (of plants or animals) live on or within another organism; v. i., (of persons) depend on another for a living: 寄生蟲 n., (zoo.) parasites, a parasitic person; v. i., 寄生動物a parasitic animal.家Words6. 家畜 [jia1chu4], n., domestic animals or fowls.牢Words4. 牢棧 [lao2zhan4], n., stockade for animals.宰Words4. 宰殺 [zai3sha1], v.t., slaughter (animals).寫V.i. & t.(3) To make portrait or draw plants and animals: 寫照,寫生,寫真 [xie3zhao4], [xie3sheng1], [xie3zhen1]↓.窠N.A nest, a hole of burrow animals: 蜂窠 beehive.窩Words6. 窩弓 [wo1gong1], n., a bow-and-arrow trap for wild animals.涼Words8. 涼血 [liang2xUe4], adj., cold-blooded; 涼血動物 (zoo.) cold-blooded animals; also fig. of persons.溷N.(2) Pen for animals.冷Words30. 冷血 [leng2xUe4], adj., cold-blooded, hard-hearted: 冷血動物 cold-blooded animals.扇V.i. & t.(3) (*[shan4]) (AC) to geld animals (also wr. 騸).孳Words6. 孳尾 *[zi4wei3], v.t., (AC) (of animals) copulate.養V.t.(3) To feed, keep alive: 飼養 to feed (animals, babies);Words23. 養料 [yang3liao4], n., nutrition; feed for animals.肉Words34. 肉棗 [rou4zao3], n., (bot.) dog wood (also called 山茱萸); 肉棗兒 (a) hardened formation in animals; (b) (coll.) a person who moves awkwardly and clumsily.翎Words1. 翎毛 [ling2mao2], n., category of Chin. painting depicting birds and animals (lit., “feathers and furs”).覓V.t.覓食 (animals) look for food.毳N.Fine hair of animals: 毳幕,毳帳 felt tent.血Words28. 血忌 [xUe4ji4], n., days when eating of meat or slaughter of animals is forbidden.鳥N.鳥獸星散 (of human beings) scatter like birds and animals;化Words10. 化生 [hua4sheng1], v.i., (Budd.) the creation of life or animals; become s.t. from nothing.銜V.t.銜尾 (animals) arrive in packs (snouts and tails together).狉Words1. 狉狉 [pi1pi1], adj., (LL) (place) alive with wild animals.獵Words11. 獵物 [lie4wu4], n., game or hunter's bag of animals.貍N.various animals of the feline family (usu. wr. 貍): 貍貓 [li2mao1]↓;角N.(1) Horns of animals: 牛角,羊角,鹿角,犀角 ox, sheep, deer, rhinoceros horns;芻Words3. 芻豢 [chu2huan4], n., (AC) meat of animals that feed on grass (芻) and on flesh (豢).氣Words30. 氣孔 [qi4kong3], n., stomata of plants or of lower animals.卸V.t.卸車 release pack animals from cart;始N.原始動物 prehistoric animals;繡Words1. 繡補 [xiu4bu3], n., (Manchu Dyn.) square piece in chest and back of mandarin over-jacket, embroidered with different birds and animals indicating different ranks.国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞animals-- multicellular詞目:Animals 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Animals1走獸、牲口、生靈、禽獸、畜生2parts of Animals生物百體p 16 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞BEAST英華☞BEING英華☞BIRD英華☞brat |
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