

释义 央1. middle2. to centre3. to entreat央 yāng1) entreat (央求)2) wr. end; finish (未央)3) center (中央)央yāngcenterendto begto plead央 n. 中心centre(Britain); center(US) v. 恳求to plead央人作保 ask someone to be one's sponsor终止<书>to end夜未央。 The night is not yet over.央 yāng 动 (恳求) entreat:  央请帮忙 entreat for help  (书) (终止; 完结) end; finish:  夜未央。 The night is not yet spent. 名 (中心) centre:  船央 midship;  房间央 the middle of a room 林语堂林语堂★◀▶央央 1223B20  91.81  部居  畫數 5ㄧㄤ [yang1] V.t.To beg: 央求,央及,央告 [yang1qiu2], [yang1ji0], [yang1gao4]↓;央請 [yang1qing3]↓;央媒 to ask s.o. to act as matchmaker.Adj.(1)  Central: 中央;中央政府 the central government.(2)  Run out: 夜未央 the night is not spent yet.Words1. 央戧 [yang1qiang0], v.i., to drag on (of business, illness): 他的病也不過央戧一天是一天罷了 his illness is just a matter of dragging on from day to day; 這個買賣央戧著 this business is just dragging on (and may close any day).2. 央請 [yang1qing3], v.i. & t., to make a request; to request (a doctor, etc.).3. 央求 [yang1qiu2], v.t., to beg (a person).4. 央告 [yang1gao4], v.t., make an earnest request of (s.o.).5. 央及 [yang1ji0], v.t., see [yang1qiu2]↑.6. 央央 [yang1yang1], adj., (AC) (1) bright (flags); (2) tinkling, jangling (bells).央央 [yang1yang1], adj., (AC) (1) bright (flags); (2) tinkling, jangling (bells).央a.Central【语】(语音)(中)央的,舌头处于中部位置发出的央1. to entreat2. center央[yāng]动entreat; beg♦ 我~你一件事。 May I ask a favour of you?名centre♦ 中央




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