

单词 保险丝
释义 文馨英漢☞保險絲保险丝 bạ̌oxiǎnsīelec. fuse; fuse-wire保险丝bǎoxiǎnsīfuse wire(electrical) fuse保险丝【电】fuse保险丝烧断了。 The fuse has blown.保险丝 bǎo xiǎn sī fuse; safety wire; fuse wire; plain cut-out; protector; thermal element 保险丝(式)测辐射热计 little-fuse bolometer; 保险丝电阻器 fuse-resistor; 保险丝断路器 fusible circuit breaker; 保险丝(用)合金 fuse metal; 保险丝盒 catch-holder; fuse block; 保险丝盘 fuseboard; 保险丝支架 catch holder; 保险丝装置 fuse block; 保险丝座 fuse socket保险丝[bǎo xiǎn sī]电路中保险装置用的导线,一般用铅、锡等熔点低的合金或细铜丝、铜银合金丝制成。当电路中的电流超过限度时,丝就烧断,电路也就断开了,可以防止发生火灾或烧毁电器。fuse; fuse-wire; electric circuit safety device consisting of a metal conductor of low melting point, such as lead or tin, thin wire of copper, or alloy of copper and silver, that melts and interrupts the circuit to prevent fires or burnout of electric appliances when the current exceeds a particular amperage保险丝n.fuse保险丝,熔线fuze【电】熔线,保险丝phr.safety plug【电】熔丝塞;保险丝,熔线safety fuse【电】安全熔断器;保险丝保险丝1. [Electronics] a fuse; a safety fuse; fuse wire; safety wire保险丝safety fuse保险丝safety wire保险丝fuse, fuze保险丝fuze, fuse保险丝wire; fuse保险丝fuse wire保险丝lockwire保险丝fuse,FU保险丝FUSE保险丝fuze双向☞熔丝--保险丝--安全熔断器双向☞引线铅丝--保险丝--导线双向☞保险丝--引信--导火索双向☞熔线--保险丝--熔断器双向☞单元--保险丝--元素双向☞导线--铅丝--保险丝双向☞熔丝--保险丝--爆管双向☞熔线--信管--保险丝双向☞保险丝--熔丝双向☞保险丝--熔线双向☞引信--保险丝双向☞熔丝--保险丝双向☞熔融--保险丝双向☞融合--保险丝




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